Book Review : How to Live if I Die Young


    Several weeks ago, I bought a book titled “How to Live if I Die Young” by D. Tri Utami. The title is actually really attracted me and so the cover that is also cute so I bought it. At first, I thought that the book was only talk about the things we should do if we die young. But it turns out that it also talks about the death itself. It pretty much gave me new perspective about death. It processes and the life after that.

    Most of the people are afraid of death. We are afraid to leave what we have in our life. We afraid to suffer when we’re dying. It happens because death is abstract and no one alive really experience it. But actually, we can reflect on death with our cognitive system. So, we can see death as something realistic and sure. Instead of just being so afraid of death, we can prepare our life to make a better condition of ourself when we die.

    Kenapa kita perlu merefleksikan dan merenungi kematian dalam hidup kita? Pertama, refleksi tentang kematian seharusnya tidak membuat kita menjadi takut tapi justru mendorong kita untuk mencari tahu tentang arti kehidupan bagi kita sendiri. I know it sound so cliché, but ya until today years old I also don’t really know what kind of life I want. Alasan kedua, untuk mengurangi kecemasan dan memberi konsep baru tentang kematian sehingga kita bisa memutuskan preferensi tentang akhir hidup kita. Tentang bagaimana orang lain akan mengingat kita saat pemakaman kita nanti. Bukan untuk terlihat baik di depan orang lain namun lebih kepada tanggung jawab terhadap diri sendiri.

    So how to live if we die at the young age?. First, do something that can fulfil our soul. Apapun itu asal memberi kebaikan kepada diri kita dan orang sekitar. Jauhi hal yang sifatnya kesenangan sementara. Temporary pleasure is usually leads to regrets. Damaikan pikiran. Ada beberapa cara untuk mendamaikan pikiran. Pertama, menerima hal yang tidak bisa kita kendalikan, memaafkan diri sendiri, memberi waktu luang untuk berpikir dan mencari solusi, dan menulis jurnal. Terakhir, mempersiapkan kematian sesuai dengan kepercayaan kita. Because we believe, life and its happiness, its wound, and all the things we had is temporary. Kehidupan setelah kematian itu seperti piknik dan di dunia kita mempersiapkan apa yang ingin kita bawa selama piknik. Again, life is temprorary

    Last, my favourite quote from this book : it takes a lifetime to understand life and it takes a lifetime of contemplation to prepare for death


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